Brighouse and Rastrick Band Interview 2022/23

LICS Dave Hebb 600×400

March 2023

We caught up with Dave Hebb, solo Eb bass player of Brighouse and Rastrick Band, ahead of the band’s performance at Morley Town Hall on Saturday 1 April as part of the Leeds Best of Brass 2022/23 series.

How long have you played with Brighouse and Rastrick Band and what position do you currently hold?
I joined the band in 1995, but I’ve had around four years out because of work and other commitments. I currently hold the position of solo Eb bass.

What’s the best thing about playing in a brass band?
The “best” thing about playing in a brass band is a hard one to answer. Socialising, camaraderie, making music, competing and of course, winning.

What’s your highlight so far with Brighouse and Rastrick Band?
My highlights so far are winning the treble (All England Masters, National Championships, European Championships) in 1998, playing to capacity audiences in Canada in 2005, and winning the British Open last year.

How did you get involved with playing a brass instrument?
I first learned to play the bugle with the boys brigade, I then joined the school brass band when I went to senior school.

What was your earliest musical experience?
My earliest musical experience was playing the recorder in junior school to the assembly.

Who has been your biggest influence?
My biggest influence was my band conductor at school, Brian Farrar.

Do you enjoy practising or find it a chore?
I do enjoy practicing, but as you can imagine, playing bass is not very discreet and can annoy the neighbours.

Were your parents musical?
My father used to be a semi-professional singer in the clubs. My mother was tone deaf!

What piece of music do you most enjoy playing?
I enjoy playing The Bare Necessities, it always puts a smile on people’s faces.

What can an audience expect from a performance by Brighouse and Rastrick Band?
The audience can expect world class soloists and players, and a varied programme… there should be a little bit of something for everyone!