Leeds concert season

Jeffrey Makinson

Mon 22 Jan 2024, 1.15pm

Leeds CathedralVenue Name

Running Times: approximately 50 minutes

Tickets & Times

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Main Info

This concert is part of Leeds Lunchtime Organ Music 2023/24.

Jeffrey Makinson – Organist and Assistant Director of Music, Lincoln Cathedral

Alexandre Guilmant March on a Theme of Handel
JS Bach Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr, BWV 662
JS Bach Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (Trio), BWV 664
Percy Whitlock Five Short Pieces
Pierre Cochereau Berceuse à la mémoire de Louis Vierne
Maurice Duruflé Scherzo, Op 2
Louis Vierne 24 Pieces de Fantaisie III: Carillon de Westminster

Jeffrey Makinson has been organist of Lincoln Cathedral since 2015, after moving from Manchester where he was Cathedral organist and tutor at the Royal Northern College of Music. Finishing with a favourite of the Leeds series, Carillon de Westminster, his recital includes the delicate Scherzo by Maurice Duruflé and Percy Whitlock’s tuneful Five Short Pieces.

This concert is part of the Leeds Lunchtime Organ Music 2023/24 series. Click ‘The Series’ tab to find out more.

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Mon 22 Jan 1:15pm - 2:05pm
The Season

This concert is part of the Leeds Lunchtime Organ Music 2023/24 series. View the full season of concerts. View the brochure online.

About the Leeds Lunchtime Organ Music 2023/24 series

The series is curated by Leeds City Organist, Darius Battiwalla, and features a wide variety of talented organists. It currently takes place at St Anne’s Cathedral on a Monday lunchtime between 1.15pm – 2.05pm. The concerts are all free to attend and everyone is welcome. You don’t need to book in advance, just turn up on the day and enjoy the music. Donations are a great support to these lunchtime concerts, and we are very grateful for all contributions from those who feel able to. You can donate to the pay-as-you-feel retiring collection at concerts or you can donate online at any time.

You can also watch the concerts from the comfort of your own home. Recitals are recorded live in concert and usually remain available to watch on our website in the 30 days after the performance.

A note from Darius Battiwalla

We’re very grateful to the Dean and the Cathedral staff for making us so welcome. As usual we have a wide variety of talented organists, from ‘local’ musicians at York Minster, Derby Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, and Durham Cathedral, to organists from London and Athens. We have return visits from Margaret Phillips and Richard Gowers, and we welcome some outstanding younger players for the first time. Following the success of our first Royal College of Organists Young Performers concert last year, this is now a regular fixture.

Don t forget to send in your suggestions for the February request programme – ideally by Christmas. Thank you all once again for your continued support of the series, we couldn’t produce this season without the significant contribution your donations bring, and it’s great to see so many of you every Monday. If you can’t join us in person, we’re continuing to make each recital available online for 30 days after each concert, so please spread the word as widely as possible.

Darius Battiwalla
Leeds City Organist

Adopt an Organ Pipe

Have your own piece of Leeds Town Hall history from as little as £5.

You can now adopt any of the 6000+ pipes that will make up the newly refurbished Leeds Town Hall organ, a third of which will be brand new. Your support will help this major £1.8 million project.

In return, you’ll receive a hand-drawn certificate designed by Robert Woodland and Debra Miller, the artists undertaking the decorative scheme work, and your name will be featured in the supporters book and on Leeds Town Hall’s website.

For more information visit Leeds Town Hall’s website.


Free admission, no booking required.

Tickets & Times

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